Things Happen is released today!

Today we celebrate the release of a new book: Vanessa Sinclair’s Things Happen. Coming of age in 1990s Florida… Sex & drugs & dark music… Goth & Fetish Clubs… Abandoned Cocaine Gangster Hotels… Love & Violence… Friendships that last for life & beyond… A psychedelic underground in pastel-colored Miami… Ivy and her girlfriends roll with the crazy Florida waves and vibes and weirdos as they learn the ropes of reality (so-called)… And things happen. They really do. THINGS HAPPEN is American artist & psychoanalyst Vanessa Sinclair’s debut novel: a prism of stories, fragments, and memories chronicling a young woman’s experiences…

Abrahamsson & Sinclair: We May Need to Call on Our Cosmic Friends (Magic Monday 2) (hardback + print)

How do you integrate magic in your day-to-day life? Swedish author Carl Abrahamsson and American artist and psychoanalyst Vanessa Sinclair have successfully merged their interests in Psychoanalysis, Art and the Occult with their daily routines as a married couple. Every Monday on Patreon, they write about their ideas, theories, practices, experiences, collaborations, successes and perhaps even occasional failures, too. Once a year, their posts are anthologized into books like this one.

Abrahamsson & Sinclair: We May Need to Call on Our Cosmic Friends (Magic Monday 2) (hardback)

How do you integrate magic in your day-to-day life? Swedish author Carl Abrahamsson and American artist and psychoanalyst Vanessa Sinclair have successfully merged their interests in Psychoanalysis, Art and the Occult with their daily routines as a married couple. Every Monday on Patreon, they write about their ideas, theories, practices, experiences, collaborations, successes and perhaps even occasional failures, too. Once a year, their posts are anthologized into books like this one.

Abrahamsson & Sinclair: We May Need to Call on Our Cosmic Friends (Magic Monday 2) (paperback)

How do you integrate magic in your day-to-day life? Swedish author Carl Abrahamsson and American artist and psychoanalyst Vanessa Sinclair have successfully merged their interests in Psychoanalysis, Art and the Occult with their daily routines as a married couple. Every Monday on Patreon, they write about their ideas, theories, practices, experiences, collaborations, successes and perhaps even occasional failures, too. Once a year, their posts are anthologized into books like this one.


Abrahamsson, Carl: Chimera Obscura – Selected Exhibitions 2003-2014 Abrahamsson, Carl: Codex Nordica Abrahamsson, Carl: Dagfjärilar Abrahamsson, Carl: Free of the Darkness – 136 Photographs from Russia Abrahamsson, Carl: The Devil’s Footprint Abrahamsson, Carl: Different People Abrahamsson, Carl (ed): Fanzinera Expanded Abrahamsson, Carl (ed): The Fenris Wolf 1-3 Abrahamsson, Carl (ed): The Fenris Wolf 4 Abrahamsson, Carl (ed): The Fenris Wolf 5 Abrahamsson, Carl (ed): The Fenris Wolf 6 Abrahamsson, Carl (ed): The Fenris Wolf 7 Abrahamsson, Carl (ed): The Fenris Wolf 8 Abrahamsson, Carl (ed): The Fenris Wolf 9 Abrahamsson, Carl (ed): The Fenris Wolf 10 Abrahamsson, Carl (ed): The…

Vanessa Sinclair

Vanessa Sinclair is an American artist and psychoanalyst residing in Sweden. She is in private practice and sees patients internationally, while also writing extensively about psychoanalysis (and editing books on the subject). She is also a renowned cut-up poet and collage artist, which also extends to being involved in several musical projects. (Portrait by Carl Abrahamsson) Vanessa’s website – VANESSA SINCLAIR ON TRAPART BOOKS: Things Happen (2024) The Pathways of the Heart (2021) Switching Mirrors (2016) WITH CARL ABRAHAMSSON: We may need to call on our cosmic friends (Magic Monday 2, 2023) It’s Magic Monday every day of the week…

Carl Abrahamsson

Carl Abrahamsson is a Swedish author, publisher, filmmaker, musician and more, and has been active on the international underground and occultural scenes since the mid 1980s. A prolific author of fiction and occulture, he is also the editor and publisher of the renowned occult journal The Fenris Wolf. (Portrait by Björn Stridh) Carl’s website – CARL ABRAHAMSSON ON TRAPART BOOKS: More Americans (2025) Vimmerby: Hembygd & Omnejd (2024) Inbetween the Lines – Essays on Occulture, Magic, and Seductive Zombie Strippers(2024) Dagfjärilar (2023) Chimera Obscura (2023) Codex Nordica (2022) Free of the Darkness (2022) In Too Deep (2021) FanzinEra Expanded (2021)…

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