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Abrahamsson & Sinclair: We May Need to Call on Our Cosmic Friends (Magic Monday 2) (paperback)

450,00 kr

Abrahamsson & Sinclair: We May Need to Call on Our Cosmic Friends (Magic Monday 2) (hardback + print)

1000,00 kr
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Abrahamsson & Sinclair: We May Need to Call on Our Cosmic Friends (Magic Monday 2) (hardback)

550,00 kr

How do you integrate magic in your day-to-day life? Swedish author Carl Abrahamsson and American artist and psychoanalyst Vanessa Sinclair have successfully merged their interests in Psychoanalysis, Art and the Occult with their daily routines as a married couple. Every Monday on Patreon, they write about their ideas, theories, practices, experiences, collaborations, successes and perhaps even occasional failures, too. Once a year, their posts are anthologized into books like this one.

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How do you integrate magic in your day-to-day life? Swedish author Carl Abrahamsson and American artist and psychoanalyst Vanessa Sinclair have successfully merged their interests in Psychoanalysis, Art and the Occult with their daily routines as a married couple. Every Monday on Patreon, they write about their ideas, theories, practices, experiences, collaborations, successes and perhaps even occasional failures, too. Once a year, their posts are anthologized into books like this one.

Relentlessly rubbing out the boundaries between these interesting fields, Abrahamsson & Sinclair enthusiastically experiment with artistic expression in various media while strengthening agency and success in their occult work. All the while learning about themselves and each other in their quest for deeper insights.

This book contains chapters on magic, mysticism, their relationships with Genesis Breyer P-Orridge, necromancy, the power of exposure and honesty, the cut-ups of William Burroughs and Brion Gysin as a magical technique, pathography, dreams, creativity, the unconscious, the dangers of inertia & entropy, occult documents from the ”Society of Sentience,” inspiration, herbal magic, writing a cut-up novel, meetings with infamous Satanist Anton LaVey, the tarot, keeping a diary, film as magic, glitchcraft, wisdoms of psychoanalysis, pansexuality, intuitive altar-building, initiation & secrecy, yoga, and much more.

In their casual and inspiring style, Abrahamsson & Sinclair intimately share of themselves and their lives so that the readers can cherry-pick morsels of wisdom as they see fit. Included are also over a hundred color images: portraits, photographs, film stills, collages and cut-ups from Abrahamsson & Sinclair’s vast and experimental output.

8,5 x 11”, 220 full color pages, available in paperback and hardbound editions. A special bundle edition consists of a hardbound book, signed by the authors, together with an archival quality print of the cover collage by Vanessa Sinclair, also signed by the authors and limited to 23 numbered copies (size 210 x 297 mm).

This book is also available via Amazon.

If you are interested in this book, you should probably also check out the first volume of the Magic Monday series: ”It’s Magic Monday Every Day of the Week” (2021).

”Vanessa Sinclair is a female William Burroughs for the age of desperation.” – Val Denham, artist

”In marked contrast to the surface level reflections that the psychological model can be prone to, Vanessa Sinclair’s work provides a necessary and significant counterweight. This work gives us a vital and re-energised perspective on how the insights of psychoanalytic thinking, language and artistic expression can have true transformative power…” – Steve Dee, author

”Carl performs magick; he concretises meaning and brings forth revelation into his carefully focused vision.” – Genesis Breyer P-Orridge, artist

”Carl guides a new generation of thinkers into a future that asks what if and gets even more strange, surreal, beautiful, and mystical than one can dream.” – Gabriela Herstik, author of Inner Witch: A Modern Guide to the Ancient Craft and Sacred Sex: The Magick and Path of the Divine Erotic.

”Carl Abrahamsson is not only among today’s leading occult writers and artists, but is, in fact, one of this generation’s most vital public intellectuals. Carl is our magickal Moses hoisting a fiery serpent in the cultural wilderness.” – Mitch Horowitz, PEN Award-winning author of Occult America and Uncertain Places

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