Rendering Unconscious, expanded

Today, we publish an expanded edition in two volumes of Vanessa Sinclair’s classic Rendering Unconscious 1 – originally released in 2019. It’s a great anthology if you’re interested in psychoanalysis, and also contemporary poetry. Volume One Volume Two A bundle of both books in hardbound, signed by Vanessa Sinclair

Sinclair, Vanessa (Ed): Rendering Unconscious 1:1 (expanded edition) (Paperback)

Rendering Unconscious brings together international scholars, psychoanalysts, psychologists, philosophers, researchers, writers and poets; reflecting on current events, politics, the state of mental health care, the arts, literature, mythology, and the cultural climate; thoughtfully evaluating this moment of crisis, its implications, wide-ranging effects, and the social structures that have brought us to this point of urgency.

Sinclair, Vanessa (Ed): Rendering Unconscious 1:2 (expanded edition) (Hardcover)

Rendering Unconscious brings together international scholars, psychoanalysts, psychologists, philosophers, researchers, writers and poets; reflecting on current events, politics, the state of mental health care, the arts, literature, mythology, and the cultural climate; thoughtfully evaluating this moment of crisis, its implications, wide-ranging effects, and the social structures that have brought us to this point of urgency.

Sinclair, Vanessa (Ed): Rendering Unconscious 1:1 (expanded edition) (Hardback)

Rendering Unconscious brings together international scholars, psychoanalysts, psychologists, philosophers, researchers, writers and poets; reflecting on current events, politics, the state of mental health care, the arts, literature, mythology, and the cultural climate; thoughtfully evaluating this moment of crisis, its implications, wide-ranging effects, and the social structures that have brought us to this point of urgency.

Sinclair, Vanessa (Ed): Rendering Unconscious 1:2 (expanded edition) (Paperback)

Rendering Unconscious brings together international scholars, psychoanalysts, psychologists, philosophers, researchers, writers and poets; reflecting on current events, politics, the state of mental health care, the arts, literature, mythology, and the cultural climate; thoughtfully evaluating this moment of crisis, its implications, wide-ranging effects, and the social structures that have brought us to this point of urgency.

Sinclair, Vanessa: Rendering Unconscious 1 (first edition hardback)

“Rendering Unconscious” brings together international scholars, psychoanalysts, psychologists, philosophers, researchers, writers and poets; reflecting on current events, politics, the state of mental health care, the arts, literature, mythology, and the cultural climate; thoughtfully evaluating this moment of crisis, its implications, wide-ranging effects, and the social structures that have brought us to this point of urgency.  

Welcome, Jason Haaf!

Today we publish Jason Haaf’s excellent book of collages and cut-ups, Can I see your niche? We welcome Jason to his first real book with us – he has previously had work in Trapartisan Review 1 and Rendering Unconscious 1. Check out Jason’s work here: Website Jason on Trapart

Jason Haaf

Jason Haaf is a writer and visual artist living in Brooklyn, New York. He believes in unruly perspectives and strong beginnings on both paper and film. His works have appeared in Hello Mr. and Warm Brothersmagazines, Rendering Unconscious: Psychoanalytic Perspectives, Politics & Poetry, The Trapartisan Review, and Truant zine. He is the editor of Bent Book: a queerish anthology, and coauthor of Watchword with Aaron Krach. His debut novel Harsh Cravings was published by Polari Press in 2022. Website: Photo credit: Patrick Lupinski Books by Jason Haaf: Can I see your niche? – Collages & Cut-ups 2020-2023 Jason is also featured in The Trapartisan Review 1 Jason is also featured in Rendering Unconscious 1


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