Sinclair, Vanessa (Ed): Rendering Unconscious 1:1 (expanded edition) (Paperback)

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Rendering Unconscious brings together international scholars, psychoanalysts, psychologists, philosophers, researchers, writers and poets; reflecting on current events, politics, the state of mental health care, the arts, literature, mythology, and the cultural climate; thoughtfully evaluating this moment of crisis, its implications, wide-ranging effects, and the social structures that have brought us to this point of urgency.

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In times of crisis, one needs to stop and ask, “How did we get here?” Our contemporary chaos is the result of a society built upon pervasive systems of oppression, discrimination and violence that run deeper and reach further than most understand or care to realize. These draconian systems have been fundamental to many aspects of our lives, and we seem to have gradually allowed them more power. However, our foundation is not solid; it is fractured and collapsing – if we allow that. We need to start applying new models of interpretation and analysis to the deep-rooted problems at hand.

Rendering Unconscious brings together international scholars, psychoanalysts, psychologists, philosophers, researchers, writers and poets; reflecting on current events, politics, the state of mental health care, the arts, literature, mythology, and the cultural climate; thoughtfully evaluating this moment of crisis, its implications, wide-ranging effects, and the social structures that have brought us to this point of urgency.

Hate speech, Internet stalking, virtual violence, the horde mentality of the alt-right, systematic racism, the psychology of rioting, the theater of violence, fake news, the power of disability, erotic transference and counter-transference, the economics of libido, Eros and the death drive, fascist narratives, psychoanalytic formation as resistance, surrealism and sexuality, traversing genders, and colonial counterviolence are but a few of the topics addressed in this thought-provoking and inspiring volume.

This is an expanded edition of the highly successful original Rendering Unconscious book, and is published in two volumes.

Vanessa Sinclair, Psy.D. is an American psychoanalyst, based in Sweden, who sees clients internationally. She is the author ofThings Happen (2024) and other books, and co-editor of On Psychoanalysis and Violence: Contemporary Lacanian Perspectives (2019) with Dr. Manya Steinkoler. Dr. Sinclair also hosts the award-winning Rendering Unconscious podcast, addressing the state of psychoanalysis and mental health care, politics, the arts, culture and current events. She is a founding member of Das Unbehagen: A Free Association for Psychoanalysis, and arranges psychoanalytic conferences internationally. For more information, please visit:


Vanessa Sinclair New Editor’s Introduction

Vanessa Sinclair Old Editor’s Introduction

Sinclair & Abrahamsson Conversation about R.U. 

Marc Strauss On Violence

Gavriel Reisner The Absent Feminine

Alison Annunziata Love as War in the Digital Age

Kendalle Getty Poems

Gerald Sand The Horde Mentality

White-Davis & Kotay Racial Oppression & Health

Luce deLire Baltimore

Jason Haaf Nineteen Six

Chiara Bottici The Mass Psychology of Trumpism

Brad Evans Poems

Emma Lieber Bellowing Presidents

Shara Hardeson Try to Remember

Elena Petrovska Selected Poems 

Jill Gentile Hate Speech

Greg Stevens Dancing with Hate

Hilda Fernandez-Alvarez On Object Loss 

Marie Brown Aberrant Salience 

Craig Slee Creeping Mortality

Amy Gaeta Selected Poems

David Lichtenstein Das Unbehagen

Vanessa Sinclair Duchamp, Dada & Psychoanalysis

John Dall’aglio Founding a Psychoanalytic Society

Punzi & Johansson Freud’s View of Femininity 

Liza Beth Paap A Letter 

Matthew Oyer Wounded Dramatization

Buffy Cain Après-Coup

Claire-Madeline Corso Inheritance

Daniel Deweese A Future Non-Understanding

Julie Futrell Re/envisioning the Feminine

Isik Baris Fidaner The Scissors of Semblances 

Benjamin Y. Fong Assholes

Wayne Wapeemukwa Parallaxes of Oedipal Violence

Sergio Benvenuto The Other than Brother 

Tom Bland Delirium

Germ Lynn Blackout Poetry

Vanessa Sinclair Screen as Mirror 

Alois Sieben Auto-Dreams 

Peter Milne Greiner No Castle Poems 

Andrew Daul The Terminal Basin 

Trapart Books 2024, 6 x 9” paperback, 296 pages, illustrated. Also available as an e-book. The e-book is available here.

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