Sinclair, Vanessa: Switching Mirrors (1st ed Hardcover + Print)

Switching Mirrors is an amazing collection of cut-ups and mind-expanding poetry by Vanessa Sinclair. Delving into the unconscious and actively utilising the “third mind” as developed by William S Burroughs and Brion Gysin, Sinclair roams through suggestive vistas of magic, witchcraft, dreams, psychoanalysis, sex and sexuality (and more).

Valessa by Val Denham & Vanessa Sinclair

Valessa is a years long collaboration between artists Val Denham and Vanessa Sinclair. Rooted deeply in the disruptive cut-up approaches and reverence for random revelations, both artists have respectively built a large body of work celebrating transcendences and transgressions in collage, poetry, painting, photography, music, and any and all kinds of composites. The artists have now joined forces in the project Valessa. Working with and on the very same visual artworks, each artist has left her undeniable signature in both style and content. Many of the textual cut-ups integrated in their collages and paintings have been transcribed, and there are…

Abrahamsson, Carl: Source Magic – The Origin of Art, Science & Culture (signed)

A signed copy of this classic anthology of essays. An exploration of how magic can be found within all human activities. Exploring the source magic that flows beneath the surface of culture and occulture, Carl Abrahamsson offers a “magical-anthropological” journey from ancient Norse shamanism to the modern magick of occultists like Genesis P-Orridge.

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