Welcome, S Alfonso Williams!

A brand new Trapart Books offering… S Alfonso Williams: The Interlocutor. With 19 cut-up/collage illustrations by Vanessa Sinclair. In The Interlocutor, S. Alfonso Williams takes the reader on an immersive journey through his unique blend of psychoanalysis, philosophy, and politics. His poetic style has a rhythm that breathes life into these all too often dry and dusty theoretical disciplines. His work is undeniably vibrant and vital. As an independent scholar, Williams brings an idiosyncratic point of view distinctive to his person, subjectivity, and location. By reflecting on relevant autobiographical and socio-cultural elements, Williams is able to speak more broadly to cross-cultural issues…

S Alfonso Williams

S. Alfonso Williams is currently a Respiratory Therapist in training and former library professional. He graduated from Case Western Reserve University in 2008 with a Bachelor’s in Art History and Sociology. In addition to clinical medicine and anatomy and physiology, he has intense interests in philosophy, psychoanalysis, subjectivity, (bio)semiotics, bioethics, media ecology, ethology and peripherally related fields. Williams also has a long history in the audio-visual and fine arts. His pursuits are always focused on emphasizing discovery, exploration, and experimentation. Williams contributed the chapter “The Seventh Seal: Bergman and the Frenchmen” to the anthology  Psychoanalytic Perspectives on the Films of Ingmar Bergman:…

Sinclair, Vanessa (Ed): Rendering Unconscious 1:2 (expanded edition) (Hardcover)

Rendering Unconscious brings together international scholars, psychoanalysts, psychologists, philosophers, researchers, writers and poets; reflecting on current events, politics, the state of mental health care, the arts, literature, mythology, and the cultural climate; thoughtfully evaluating this moment of crisis, its implications, wide-ranging effects, and the social structures that have brought us to this point of urgency.

Sinclair, Vanessa (Ed): Rendering Unconscious 1:2 (expanded edition) (Paperback)

Rendering Unconscious brings together international scholars, psychoanalysts, psychologists, philosophers, researchers, writers and poets; reflecting on current events, politics, the state of mental health care, the arts, literature, mythology, and the cultural climate; thoughtfully evaluating this moment of crisis, its implications, wide-ranging effects, and the social structures that have brought us to this point of urgency.


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